Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Dreams..

Dreams, could be unreality or reality. will be nonsense or brilliant . One step move to another step to achieve the dreams or goals itself. my dreams not belong to other, only me can achieve it. whether it became reality or fantasy, its belong to me. 
my big hopes and dreams. its can't be reality if i still sit here and just typing what i feel without any movement to achieve the dreams. i need to climb.. i need a pressure and the most important i need Him.. Ya Rabbi... 
my future dreams.. i always dream and dream. so, now time to wake up from sweetest dream.. I have to stay away from this safe place, adopt the risks that i avoid and solve all the problem arises and became more tough to face the world. 

s/s :- pelajaran english tahap 1.. huhu


Umar said...

hurm...what should i say??
what a nice poem..heheh..
yeah..wake up jue!
try to look forward..

Jue said...

welcome en umar.. its not being late to welcoming u back as my friend.. welcome friend.. :) i love who i'm now..