Friday, February 26, 2010

sedang aku melepak sambil menanti spe2 nak buzz aku kat ym tetbe.. adelah mamat nie.. mat salleh tue.. lupa nak kasitau.. aku slalu ym gan budak dari yemen, filipina, german and kekawan skolah termasuk "yang tersayang".. aku pon xtau lah mamat nie dari mana sbb list friend dlm ym aku t'amatlah byk.. so ikutilah cter aku nie..

Steve Stifler: hello sweety
me: elop
Steve Stifler: wat u bloging about
me: how r u?? my life why?? soryy my blog in my language
Steve Stifler: is it going dull or wat
me: not in english. just about my life

Steve Stifler: ok, i am looking for a surrogate mother as i wanna become a father , from asia can u help me out in this?
me: soryy, i don't know who want to be surrogate mother because i not involve in public
Steve Stifler: i am from US and want a kid of my own from asia, i can pay something about 30,000$ if some one wants
me: u don't have wife??
Steve Stifler: i have but due to some complication she can not give birth and she wants a baby from asia
me: ahhh....that very weird
Steve Stifler: ya it is
me: i'm sorry coz can't help u 

Steve Stifler: its ok never mind thankyou

korunk paham ke?? ntah pape mat salleh nie nak carik surrogate mother atau namenye dalam bahasa melayu ibu tumpang, janganlah tanya aku.. cam lah aku nie tau aku ley ke x lahirkan ank utk dia.. pekejadah nyekan kan...

s/s: jgn memadai layan org, kan dah kena.. SenGaL!!!


D said...

aku nk nombor aku kt die..haha

Jue said...

nt aku bg.. dia mang nak pon.. tgk je muka ko trs dia time... dpt tue bg ahh cket komisen kat aku..

Anonymous said...

pahal jue pula dpat...ak nak duit 2...ak majority shareholder..

Jue said...